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Showing posts from November, 2016

Save your Mobile Data by Background Data Restriction

Today's smartphones are designed to provide the best user experience. As soon as you turn on your mobile data all the updates will be coming automatically. And some programs will be running in the background. But for these services you may experience unnecessary data consumption. Today I'm gonna advice you to restrict background data to reduce the data consumption. This option may vary from device to device. But the basic settings will be almost same I guess. This option is normally available in Network settings. If you turn on this settings then no application will consume your mobile data in the background. And your mobile data will be active automatically when you run an application that requires Internet.. I think it's very handy to use. How to Restrict Background Data? Follow the steps below with the help of above image - Go to the Settings > Data Usage. Hit on the 3 dotted option button as indicated by red circle. Choose Restric...

Use your Android Phone as Internet Modem

Using your mobile device as an Internet modem is not a new thing. But there are some problems such as a phone must be capable of using Internet and it should have a software to make it compatible with the operating system. If you're using an Android phone then you don't have that hassle.  Today's phones are designed for better sharing. One of them is USB tethering. With this option you can share your mobile data with your PC I mean in a laptop, desktop or notebook computer.  How to Connect to the Internet using Mobile? To do so, you just need a data cable to connect your mobile to the computer. Normally, when you connect your phone to the computer, several options appear on phone screen. Such as -  USB Storage USB Tethering Media Device Camera Charge Only USB Virtual Drive Our focus will be on USB Tethering. After connecting your phone, you should touch the tethering option. And within few seconds your device will be ...