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Showing posts from February, 2017

IDM 6.27 Build 5 with Crack (32 & 64 Bit) !!!

Hello Guys! Today I'm gonna share you the latest version of IDM (Ver - 6.27, Build - 5) with cracks for 32 bit and 64 bit Windows! Don't delay for a second. Download and enjoy your day . . .  About the Tool Name: IDM  Version: 6.27 Build 5 File Type: Zipped File File Size: 9.82 MB Box Including: IDM Installer, Installation Guide, Cracks, Marks PC Web Link. Shared by: Cracking Patching Download IDM 6.27 with Cracks Download > Install > Enjoy . . . Download the IDM 6.27 (Including Cracks) from the above link. It's a zipped folder. Unzip it and keep it on a safe place. Now run the file named idm627build5.exe to start the installation (Remove previous version of IDM - if any, also Reboot your PC - if necessary). After finishing the installation, run the 32 bit patch or 64 depending on your OS. Troubleshooting If you ever get this stupid message - Your IDM registered with fake serial number , do...

AdSense Terms & Abbreviations . . .

Google uses some terms and abbreviations in their AdSense dashboard. If you're a webmaster and if you're working with AdSense then you should know those terms clearly. If you understand what do these mean, then you will realize what to do to boost your revenue. So guys, let's read the following sentences . . . The most confusing terms of AdSense belong to the performance overview section. And I'm gonna make it clear for you . . . ESTIMATED EARNINGS  |   Subject to change This is the estimated earnings for a particular period (Maybe one day or one week or as per your selection in the period section) and it can be changed automatically. Though it doesn't change much. In most of the cases estimated earnings remain same even when it's finalized. But sometimes you may experience change only by few cents. PAGE VIEWS  |  The views of your site's pages by visitors The number of time a user views your page displaying AdSense...

Ringtone Maker for Android Phone!

With Ringtone Maker you can easily cut the favourite part of favourite song and use it as ringtone. If you search for ringtone maker in Google Play, there will be thousands of this kind. But I would like to recommend you this one which is developed by MeiHillman. I've personally used this app and finished my work with proper convenience.  Ringtone Maker | About Name: Ringtone Maker - MP3 Cutter Rating: 4.8 Developer: MeiHillMan Works with almost all running versions of Android Ringtone Maker | Features & Advantages Built-in File Browser Supported Audio Formats: MP3, WAV, AAC, AMR, 3GP, M4A Sound Recording Option Editing (Cut the desired part of an audio) Directly Assign the Tone as Music, Alarm or Ringtone from this app. Maintain Original Sound Quality Millisecond Level Accuracy Assign Ringtone for Contacts Download Ringtone Maker Ringtone Maker | How to Use? Download the app from the above lin...

Age Calculator App for Android . . .

Most of the calculator apps don't have date calculation feature. By default Windows 7, 8 and 10 have date calculation option. But I'm almost sure that this feature is missing in your smartphone. So, I'm gonna recommend an app for you from Google Play . . .  Age Calculator  | About Name : Age Calculator Category: Tools Rating: 4.3 Developer: Smart App Array Age Calculator  | Features Simple, handy & attractive interface Show the day with date Calculate the date/ age in terms of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Calculate the days remaining to next birthday Shows the upcoming birthdays up to next 10 years with days Works with almost all running versions of android Download Age Calculator from Google Play Download > Install > Run Follow the above link and download the app from there. Then install and run it.  You can change date format from ...

Play Glass 2 Glass on your Android!

One of my colleagues Mr. +Debasish Sarkar     was playing a game for last few days and he looks quite addicted. Initially I thought this game is not worth of consuming so much time. But when he shared me the game I've just started to spare my time for watching movies and surfing the web!  So guys! Today I'm gonna share this amazing game ( Glass 2 Glass ) with you. And I can guarantee that you're gonna love it and you're gonna be crazy about it. This game is also attractive for those people who love challenge.  Glass 2 Glass | About Glass 2 Glass doesn't belong to the Gaming Category in Google Play. It's been stored in the Casual category. And really it should be there. When you've nothing to do except passing the lonely time, then Glass 2 Glass may give you company.  You can play this game for few hours without thinking about the world around you! And this game is compatible with almost all running versions of Android.  ...