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Showing posts from November, 2013

How to Verify AdSense Account without PIN?

Those of you're working with Google AdSense should know, AdSense account needs to be verified by a PIN Number. AdSense sends the PIN number in your postal address. And then you have to enter the PIN number in your AdSense account settings. If postal communication is okay in your area, then it's very easy for you to verify the account. Unfortunately, if your postal service is poor, wouldn't you be able to earn through Google AdSense?  Why you Need to Verify PIN Number?   Traditional payment system of AdSense is Check. When you request for payment, Google sends check to your postal address. That's why you need to ensure the AdSense team that your address is correct. When you get the letter from AdSense including PIN number, then Google sends check to your address.  If you can't Get the PIN Letter?  It's very natural that you could miss the PIN letter. That's why Google gives you three chances to request for AdSense PIN letter. That me...

Never Block Non Performing Ads!

Hello Dears! It's been more than a week since I published my last post. Last week was so busy that I couldn't even check my site's status. By the way, I'm gonna give a true advice  for revenue optimization tips to the AdSense publishers !  Google often tell AdSense publishers to optimize their revenues. Google may give you different techniques to optimize revenues such as - Ad Placement , Ad Types & Sizes , Ad Selection, Allowing or Blocking Ads etc.  But never try to block irrelevant or non-performing ads to be shown on your site! Blocking non-performing ads may have an adverse effect on your AdSense Revenue Performance! Yeah it's true!  When I started showing ads on my site, my income was around $1/day. Gradually it was increasing - $2, $2.5, $3, $4. And after two months, my average daily income was $5/day. Then I was trying to accelerate my earnings. I was searching for tips. Google says - Inspect the ads which are more releva...

AdSense will Pay through Banks Accounts!

Well that's a terrific news specially for Bangladeshis! Waiting for months? Annoyed with payment procedure? Giving up the idea to earn money through AdSense? As a Bangladeshi, you might be hopeless due to the thousands of problems regarding your AdSense account. But this time, there is a hope! Just three days ago, Google AdSense have announced that, Bangladeshi AdSense Publishers will be able to transfer Ad Revenue through their respective Bank Accounts! They don't have to wait for the checks for a long time and they don't need to wait to cash those checks! In many countries, Google is paying through EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) . But it is not available in Bangladesh. In this situation, Wire Transfer System will be really helpful for Bangladeshi Publishers. The payment will be made through International Wire Transfer instead of issuing checks. And certainly this will be fast, secure and convenient for the publishers to receive their payments. Minimum ...

All about XML

I've published several posts on HTML. But this is my first post on XML that stands for e X ensible M arkup L anguage. Before starting the main discussion, I'd like to inform you that I've collected information about XML from w3schools . I was just surfing that site and suddenly my eyes go to the XML tutorials. Then I decided to write something on XML. In fact, today's post is a knowledge base article. From this post, you will know about -  what is XML . This post will not teach you how to prepare XML files. So, don't be confused. Okay let's start - XML doesn't do anything! Confused? But there is no way to be confused actually when you will know that XML is nothing except some texts stored in tags. XML - EXtensible Markup Language. It's used to store and transport data. Unlike HTML, XML is only used to store and transport data, not to display. Unlike HTML, here you can define your own tags. XML is ...

AdSense Friendly Custom Robots.txt for Blogger

Bloggers who have SEO Knowledge, should know about robots.txt and its use. But it is quite unfamiliar to the new bloggers. But some of them might be interested in Blogger's search preferences and they must ask about what is Custom robots.txt? Well this is not so easy to explain. To the new bloggers, the explanation might be confusing. In order to explain the term robots.txt , I've to tell about search bots or search crawlers. But I will try to explain the term clearly.  Suppose, you've opened a blog in blogger. continuously you're publishing new posts. If everything is okay, your post will appear in Google Search within few hours. If your post is matched with someone's search topic, your site will appear in the search results. How it's possible?  Blogger's Default robots.txt: Search engines scan your site for new posts continuously. This is known as crawling. Search bots crawl your site regularly and index your posts in their directory...

How to Create XML Sitemap for Blogger Blog?

Last week, I discussed about Sitemap . And I said, my next post will be about creating sitemap . However the next post was about Windows 8.1 Activator . So, I don't like to delay anymore. Today I'm gonna tell you the easiest way to create sitemap for your blogger blog. Hopefully this will help you boost your search position. There could be several ways to create sitemap. But mostly used sitemaps are XML and HTML. And I will talk about XML sitemap. Actually this is not worth of creating a sitemap page for your blog. But quite useful for submitting in different search engines. It will just list your pages as XML code. You will not be able to show or view the links as Anchors Text Links. Look at the code below: # Blogger Sitemap generated on 2013.11.04 User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: This is the XML sitemap of Marks PC Solution . The bl...