Project IGI series games are always full of actions & thrilling. And without some cheating it's really difficult to survive there. But there are not much cheat codes available in IGI games. In this post, I'm gonna share Project IGI 4 - the Mark cheat codes with you. While playing IGI 4, press this key < ` > (it's just below your Esc key) to open the console. And then you've to type the following cheats to get respective results - Invisible 1 - It will turn on invisible mode Invisible 0 - Invisible mode off Health 100 - Health will be set to 100 % God 1/0 - God mode On/ Off Mucha 1/0 - No clipping On/ Off MuchaSpeed # - Set movement speed to # DrawFPS 1/0 - Show FPS On/ Off FOV # - Set FOV to # During the game play, when you need to use any of the above cheats, simply press this ` . Then a new screen will appear. And on that screen you have to type the cheats and press Enter. If you use invisible cheat, th...
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