If you work with different types of documents often you may need to compare those files side by side. Microsoft Office (for Word & Excel) has an option to view/ compare documents side by side. Applies to: Word 2003 Office 2007, 2010, 2013 & 2016. Compare Documents Side by Side | Word 2003 In Word 2003, you have to go to the Window Menu > Compare side by side . . . Remember , two documents should be running to view side by side. View Documents Side by Side | Office 2007 to 2016 This option is usually available for Word & Excel. But in case of PowerPoint, you can view two presentations side by side by Arrange All option from view menu. But in Word & Excel you will directly get this option - View Side by Side. To enjoy this opportunity, at first you've to open both files that need to be compared. Then follow the steps below: Go to the View Tab. Move to the Window Section. Choose View Side by
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