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Showing posts from November, 2020

Running Total/ Cumulative Sum in Excel

  Hey Guys! You should have noticed that I'm writing on MS Excel for last few days! To be honest I'm trying to learn some simple and useful tricks of Excel. And I'm also trying to share my knowledge with you. In this post I've come with such a little trick which maybe very useful if you face such situation. Let's begin . . .    Running Total/ Cumulative Sum It means the summation of numbers in a list and it will be updated each time when a number is added or changes. Look at the image below -    Look at the image. There are two columns with numbers. The first one is simply the number list. But the 2nd one is the summation of the list. Each time a new number is added to the first column the second one shows the summation. How to do this?  It's not a magic. Very simple sum formula is used to perform this task. But there is a little trick. You just need to lock the first cell and then every time it will update the running total list.  Here is my list. Sim...

Joining Texts from Multiple Cells in Excel

  Programs like MS Excel is full of functions. There are many useful functions that we don't use or we don't know about. One of them is CONCATENATE. It means joining or linking. With this function you can join texts from multiple cells. Let's see how . . . Suppose you're working in an Excel Worksheet where you need to combine texts from different cells. I'm gonna show you an example. Let's consider the image below -    What do you see ? I've imputed First Name and Last Name. In Full Name column I've used the formula i.e. CONCATENATE. And in the last column I've added Mr. with the full name.    So how do you use this formula ? Here it is -  =CONCATENATE(A2," ",B2) Observe it carefully. You can add more than 02 cells with this functions. Here I've just used 02 cells. You may think what is this " " for ? You may notice that there is a space between the two i.e. " & ".  If you don't use " " then you...