Few years ago I showed you how to show custom picture on USB flash drive . That time it was a quite interesting trick among the PC users. Today I'm gonna show you another trick which will show your custom image on your Computer System Properties! Let's try . . . Applies to - I'm using Windows 10. Hopefully it works with the previous versions of Windows too . . . Necessary Tools - A USB Flash Drive Your desired image - You've to convert it to Bitmap image (BMP) Adobe Photoshop Minimum skills to work with the Registry Editor (regedit) Before you begin . . . Press Windows + Pause or Right click on your Computer > Properties This window shows the basic information of your Computer. Your picture will be shown in the System section. Now look at the image below - After completing this task, your image will be displayed as mine. Procedure | 2 Stages The whole task is to be divided into 2 stages. At first, we'v
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