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Showing posts from December, 2017

Show your Image on System Properties!!

Few years ago I showed you how to show custom picture on USB flash drive . That time it was a quite interesting trick among the PC users. Today I'm gonna show you another trick which will show your custom image on your Computer System Properties! Let's try . . . Applies to -  I'm using Windows 10. Hopefully it works with the previous versions of Windows too . . . Necessary Tools -  A USB Flash Drive Your desired image - You've to convert it to Bitmap image (BMP) Adobe Photoshop Minimum skills to work with the Registry Editor (regedit) Before you begin . . .  Press Windows + Pause or Right click on your Computer > Properties This window shows the basic information of your Computer. Your picture will be shown in the System section.  Now look at the image below -  After completing this task, your image will be displayed as mine.  Procedure | 2 Stages The whole task is to be divided into 2 stages. At first, we'v

Microsoft Office 2019 is Coming Next Year!

Well I believe that this is gonna be a great news for MS Office lovers. Microsoft released Office 2016 around 2.5 years ago. And Office 2019 will be available by November, 2018. So you can celebrate next year. Till then stay with sweet 16!  Microsoft announced about their next perpetual release of Office At Microsoft Ignite in Orlando. Mr. Jared Spataro, The General Manager for Office, wrote about its next version i.e. Office 2019 in its Official blog on September 26, 2017. This release is scheduled for the second half of 2018. Apps that will be included  -  Word Excel PowerPoint Outlook Skype for Business Servers for Exchange, SharePoint, Skype for Business Microsoft hopes that the previews of the new product will be ready to test in the mid of next year.  New Features! Improved Inking - Pressure sensitivity, Tilt Effects, Ink Replay New Formulas & Charts for Excel New Animation Effects for PowerPoint S

Meet Firefox Quantum - It's Lovely!!

When working on web I always prefer Google Chrome. But it's time to think about something else. Yes, the new Firefox. Mozilla named it Firefox Quantum - it's updated, improved and dashing! Let's give it a try . . . About Firefox Quantum 57.0.2 Mozilla's CEO Chris Beard says that this new version of Firefox is blazing fast. This rebuilt brand new web browser will deliver a completely different experience to the users. It's modern, quick and efficient.  Mozilla hopes that the Internet users will also agree with them. Now time will say what the reality will be . . . What's new in this rebuilt? Best Firefox ever - 2x Faster browsing experience A powerful new engine for rapid performance Better and faster page loading with less computer memory Smart design for intelligent web browsing 30% lighter than Chrome - less pressure on your RAM Improved tab switching - more responsive  Tips for the new users .