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Showing posts from June, 2013

The Easiest Way to Create Table in Adobe Illustrator (All Versions)

      I'm not an expert either in Photoshop or Illustrator. Well, I've mid level skill in Photoshop. But in Illustrator, I'm simply a beginner. Even I don't have a basic skill in Adobe Illustrator. Few days ago, I faced a serious problem while creating a table in Illustrator. I searched for a long time but failed to find the proper option to create a table.      Today just few hours ago I searched the topic on Google - How to Create a Table in Adobe Illustrator? Many results appear as usual. I chose one from them and learned how to create table in Illustrator.    In this post, I'm gonna share with you what I've learned just now! Yes, here you get the easiest way to create table in Adobe Illustrator step by step with helpful images! Definitely this will help the beginners of Illustrator. This post is not for the experts. ;)    And this method works with all versions of...

Windows 8.1 Preview is Ready to Download !!

Windows 8 Developer Preview was released at the end of 2011. Couple of months later, Microsoft released the Consumer Preview version of Windows 8. Couple of weeks ago, another trial version was released- Release Preview . And we got the final version of Windows 8 just few months ago. Windows 8 has brought a revolutionary change for the users. It includes many exclusive features which were not available earlier!  Microsoft expected that Windows 8 will be able to attract the existing as well as new customers. But even with so many exceptional features, Windows 8 was not so popular in the market. Many new users of Windows 8 was puzzled while using it. New Start Screen, disappearance of Computer icon from the desktop , absence of .Net Framework 3.5 were some of the prime reasons behind this failure. Still Microsoft is trying to make the new Windows popular. And Windows 8.1 is a part of such initiative!  I'm using Windows 8 since 2011, just after the r...

Working with New HTML Template Editor of Blogger!

If you're using a blogger blog, then you should notice some major changes in its HTML editor. Google made those changes couple of months ago. You will see the code is colored, folded and very much structured. You will also notice some new buttons which were not available earlier. What are the uses and benefits of these buttons? Read more to know . . . Only a few days ago, I published a post on Blogger vs. WordPress . In that post I said - WordPress is matured , but there is a continuous improvement on Blogger . And the new HTML template editor of blogger is a part of that improvement! Today I will discuss about how to work with the new html editor.  I was very much angry after such a change in the template editor. Because several times I was puzzled by the new options and interface. But as soon as I got familiar with the new editor, I really like it. If you're familiar with all the new options I think you will also like it.  Okay let's start. ...

Change & Optimize the Blog Title, Description & URL in Blogger

While creating a blog in blogger, you have to name your site and enter the URL. But choosing an appropriate name for the site with perfect URL is not a very easy task. You should think and research about what will be the Title, Description and URL of the site. Because they have a great impact on search results. Let’s Analyse a Case Here I’d like to share my personal experience. When I created Marks PC Solution 4 years ago, I was simply a novice in blogging. In that time I didn’t think much about the URL. I used as my URL.  But it doesn’t match with the blog title. The URL should be well-matched with the title. If the URL and title are related, then your site will be easily on the first page of the search result. If you search Marks PC Solution on Google, it will be the number 1 in the search result. Thousands of links across the web have helped my site to be first in the search result. But if my site URL were something like that...

Blogger vs. WordPress: Suitability Test

WordPress and Blogger are two giant platforms of blogging . The first one is famous for its numerous plugins, sufficient tutorials and lots of supports from communities with professional image. And the other is well known for being associated with search giant Google , easy and nice operation system with continuous improvements. But there are some questions that need to be answered before choosing the right one for you:  Which one is easy to operate?  Which one is more professional?  Which one is more popular?  Which one is superior? Which one could be better in the future? In this post I will try to answer these questions. After getting the answers, you will be able to decide- which one is right for you! Okay let’s start. Don’t skip any point. I’m expecting your concentration.   J Easy Operation WordPress is somewhat complicated. But blogger is very easy. Even a new guy in blogging can operate blogger d...

The Story Behind Marks PC Solution

Dear visitors! In this post you're not getting any tips! Today I would like to tell you the little story behind the establishment of Marks PC Solution .  Though this is not a tips, but you must read and take some lessons from this post. Read it properly with patience. Background:  I got admitted at   Dhaka City College   to study BBA in the year of 2008. In that time I didn't familiar with the use of internet. But I was very interested about Computer since 2005. I used to discuss computer related issues with my classmates. One of them was Adnan Shameem. He had a nice forum named   Amarnotes   (Lost due to the error in server). He often told me to visit his site. But I didn't have net connection. And even I didn't have a personal computer! One day I went to a Cybercafe with Adnan. He helped me to open an email account: I could never imagine one day this email might be associated with hundreds of online accoun...