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Showing posts from February, 2013

Send Blog Posts to Specific Persons by Email

Blogger has its own Subscription named Follow by Email . If someone subscribes his email from this option he will receive an email whenever you publish new post. But if you wanna deliver your posts to someone who are not subscribed to your blog then what? Read more to know.  You can send your blog updates to people who are not subscribed. But this option will allow you to deliver newsletter at best 10 persons. Google will deliver the new blog posts  to the selected persons.  Intermediate users of blogger blog might be familiar with this option. But beginner might not be familiar with this. Or they may be confused with this option. So I'm gonna clarify it.  You don't need to add any gadget to do this. All you need to do is just mention the email of those people from the settings option. And any time you can remove or change those email addresses.  Hope you're signed in to your blogger account. Let's start:  Go to t...

How to Add Facebook Like box on Website or Blog

If you have a Facebook fan page or an official Facebook page of your blog or website, then you can place it in your site. Certainly this will ease your interaction with visitors or fans. Another issue you should keep in mind that it is also a part of SEO. Placing a like box may attract visitors to visit your site!  Earlier I wrote about how to create a pop out like box in your site. And also discussed how to create Facebook fan page . Remember: You must have a fan page to create a Facebook Like Box. If you don't know please read this first:  How to Create Facebook Fan Page If you're ready then I can start. Read carefully.  To add a like box in your website or blog you have to place two codes in two different places. These are as below:  Code 1:  Place this code on your page once, just after the opening <body> tag . If your site already has this code then you don't need to place it ...

Take Online Typing Test to Boost your Speed

Typing speed is an asset for a person. In many cases people may rate you by your typing speed. You can measure your typing speed by taking online typing tests. There are many sites available for taking typing tests. Today I'm gonna talk about some popular and useful sites for taking typing tests.  This is my second post about typing. If you're regular on this site then you should notice this post- Typing Speed Secret! . In that post I discussed about how to increase typing speed.  Today I'm gonna share 4 sites from where you can take typing tests. It's totally free of cost and online. You don't need to install any software or anything. All of them have some advantages and disadvantages. You can choose any of them. Whatever you do, make sure you're trying regularly. Otherwise nothing and none can increase your speed.  This is the most strong and popular site for taking typing test. In fact, this site is a part of famo...

Create an Official Facebook Page for Website, Person or Place

Facebook Fan Page is a very common way to communicate with public. Almost all major organizations, websites, places or brands have their own Facebook page. You can also create a Facebook page for your business, blog or website. This is very easy and free of cost!   To create a Facebook page go to the link below. Before that make sure you're signed in to your Facebook account.   Create a Page There are six types:  Local Business or Place Company, Organization or Institution Brand or Product Artist, Band or Public Figure Entertainment Cause or Community Select any of the types which is suitable for you. Then choose your page category and give it a name. Agree with the terms and conditions and hit on Get Started.  Now do the followings: Set a profile picture Give a description of it Set a Facebook address Enable Ads or Skip it Now your page is almo...

How to Add Twitter Tweet & Follow Button on Blog or Website

Social sharing options are great tools to spread your web contents throughout the world. There are many powerful social sites like Facebook, Google, Twitter etc. These sites have their own social sharing buttons. Today I will talk about Twitter Buttons .  In this post you're getting two buttons. The first one is Tweet button which you can use for sharing on Twitter. And the 2nd one is Twitter Follow button. But if you want you can use the two buttons in a single gadget! View the demo below:  Tweet Follow @markspcsolution Look at the codes below. There are two codes. The first one is tweet button. And the second one is Follow button. If you wanna use both the two then copy and paste these codes into your HTML. You can place them separately or combined as your wish.  <a class='twitter-share-button' data-size='large' data-url=' /' data-via=' markspcsolution ' href='

How to Add an Author in Blogger

If you've a blog on blogger and if you wanna grow it up then you can invite your friends or other people as author in your blog. Because an individual can't generate lots of ideas. And it is very tough for a single person to write contents regularly unless he is a professional. Of course you can control every posts written by the others in your blog.  In Wordpress Blogs users can register and write if the Admin allows them. But in Blogger there is no such option. Rather you can invite people to write with you. In this post I'm gonna show how to add multiple authors in blogger blog .  Well this is very easy and many of you may know it by this time. Let's begin:  I hope you're signed in to your blogger account .  Go to Settings > Basic > Permissions .  Look at the right of Blog Authors option where is name and email is shown.  Hit on Add Authors option just below this.  Now invite people by Email address . You can i...

How to Remove Navigation Bar from Blogger Blog

By default your blogger blog will have a generic navigation bar like other blogger sites. But it doesn't look professional if your site has common navigation bar at the top of it. And this is actually not very essential for your site. So you can remove it without any hesitation. Of course you can get it back any time if you change your mind.  Customize Your Blog To be honest the default navigation bar of blogger has few advantages. It will allow your visitor to: Search your site  Share your site on Google + And it also allow you to: Sign in to your site or sing out from your site Access your blogger dashboard But professional bloggers neither like to navigate from here nor let the visitors to use this. They like to use custom sharing and navigation options within the blog area. So, if you would like to give a professional look to your blogger blog then you can remove it from your site. Just do the following:  Make s...

How to Customize the Favicon of Blogger Blog

While surfing the different webpages you might notice that every website has an icon in the browser tab. Normally you can see the icon at the left of the title of the page. This is known as favicon. If you make your blog using blogger, then your favicon will be the icon of the blogger.  Look at the above image. There are two favicons. The first one is showing the favicon of blogger. And the second one is showing the favicon of the Marks PC Solution .  Today I'm gonna show how to change or customize the favicon of blogger blog . This is however a simple task if you know. Okay let's start.  First you've to make an icon which will be used as favicon. (Less than  100 KB) Sign in to your blogger dashboard.  Go to the Layout from the left pane. Hit on the Favicon. Click on Choose File and then select your favicon image from hard disk. Then upload the icon and save it.  Don't hurry! Favicon will not be shown immediate...

Index Drives to Search Files Faster on Windows 8

If you have switched to Windows 8 from Windows 7, you might notice that search option is not very strong. When you search something on Windows 8 it doesn't show the files stored on Hard Disk. It only searches on some specific locations. Because other hard drives are not automatically indexed.  If you wanna enhance your search experience then you should index all the drives of your computer in the indexing service. If your drives are indexed then your search item will appear immediately as you type.  Okay let's start:  Go to Control Panel (Hint: Start + R > type Control > press Enter )  Hit on the Indexing Options Click on Modify button Select all the Drives as shown in the image below Hit OK  That's it. Now within few hours your all files and folders will be indexed to the indexing service.  Note: If you wanna omit any drive from indexing then unmark it. Stay with Marks PC Solution ...

Can't type @? Fix it Now by Adding US English !

If you're using Windows you may face problem to type @. Specially when you are sending an email to someone. Because an email address essentially includes the symbol @. But all users of Windows 8 doesn't face this problem. Because they aren't using UK English!  Yes, this problem is only faced by the users of Windows 8 whose input method is UK English .  In that situation you can add another language.  However you can easily add a language in Windows 8. Follow the procedure below:  Go to Control Panel (Hint: Start + R > type Control > Enter )  Hit on Language option Click Add a Language button Choose your language from the list. ie. English Here you will see all the available variations of English Choose English and double click on it  Select English (United States) and hit on Add button Now you will see the list of added language.  To remove any language select it first, then...

How to Hide or Unhide a File or Folder

A common question asked by the beginner is how to hide a file or folder. Hiding a file or folder means you don't want others to have access in that particular file or folder. For example- You don't let your little brother access your games folder as I do normally! Or you may have any other private reason. For example- You don't want others to see a file which contains your online accounts information.  Most of the PC users know how to hide or unhide a file. But some of you may not know this. For those guys I'm gonna write about this.  Okay let's start hiding your files or folders:  First of all go to the location where your particular file or folder is located. For example: D Drive Games Folder. Right click on the file or folder you wanna hide and choose Properties .  Mark the Hidden option and hit OK .  That's it. Your selected file is now hidden.  Now if you wanna view the hidden item do as below:  Go t...

How to Install or Uninstall Fonts in Windows

By default Windows Operating Systems include some essential fonts. Which you can use for any kind of writing. Though there are many English fonts but you may not have your local fonts. Or you may not have necessary stylish fonts installed with your Windows. In that case you can easily install new fonts if you need.  Those who already know how to install fonts may think- this post is quite unnecessary. But I've to write because many of you can't install fonts. I'm gonna show the easiest way to install new fonts on Windows PC. Hopefully this will work for all running versions of Windows.  First go to the folder where your necessary fonts are stored.  Select the fonts ( Ctrl + A ) and copy them by pressing Ctrl + C .   Now Press Start + R to open Run, then type Fonts and hit Enter .  Here you will see all the fonts installed on your PC.  Press Ctrl + V to install the fonts you copied in the step 2....

How to Disable Automatic Updates of Windows (All Versions)

Windows provides regular updates for the Windows users. Windows Updates are available for XP, Vista, 7 and 8. Update includes important security tools, new features etc. Sometimes updates are very large in size. It may be more than few hundred MB(s). Most of the cases these updates are not very important for the users who are using Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) . In that case you can disable the Auto Update Feature.  Today I'm gonna talk about turning off the automatic updates of Windows Operating System . Intermediate users may be already know this tips. But beginners hardly know about it.  However this is a very simple tips. Just follow my instruction:  Disable Auto Update in Windows XP:  Press Start  + R > type Control and press Enter > Security Center > Go to Automatic Update > Choose Never Check for Updates.  Disable Auto Update for Windows Vista, 7 and 8:  Press Start ...

Download Flash Game: Flamingo Drive for Free !!!

Gamers love to play large games like GTA, NFS, IGI. But still few of you may like to play Flash Games like me. Though I love to play Racing, Action or Cricket but still I've a great attraction to small Flash Games. Today I'm gonna share such a game with you. It is named as Yet in Africa- Flamingo Drive . You can download this for free!  This game is very small in size. You've download a zipped file which is less than 2 MB. It is a flash game. You've to operate it by mouse.  Download the zipped file from the link below and unzip it.  Now click twice on Flamingo Drive to run the game. Just at the right bottom corner you will see the Play button. Hit this 4 times. Now you're ready to play. You've 5 chance available to hit.  In each chance you've to click twice. The first click will set your direction. And the second one will set your power.  You can also see the preview just at the bottom of the game.  Play n Enjoy!  D...

Show Post Title before Blog Title in Search Results

If you're using blogger for your blog then you may notice search engines show your Blog Title first instead of Post Title. Certainly this will affect the flow of visitors in your site. Because when someone is searching for a topic he would like to click on the site that matches his search words. But if your blog title appears first then the visitors may skip your site!  Today I'm gonna discuss about how can you optimize the issue of blog title and post title in search result . And remember, this trick is for blogger only. Before you start, look at the image below: What do you see here? A search topic like that- Cell phone quality using IMEI. Also look at the first 2 results. The first one showing- How to Check Cell Phones Quality Using IMEI . The second one showing- Tips n Tricks:  How to Check Cell Phones Quality Using IMEI.  In the second search result the Blog Name Appears first. Tips n Tricks doesn't match the search result.  ...