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How to Make a Strong Password?

Password has been integrated to our daily activities. The whole world is being operating through computers, networks and Internet. And lots of information are there. And we have to keep those information password protected. 

But there are some people who may hijack your information for their own benefits. And if you use a password which is easy to guess or break, then you might be in trouble. So, it's important to build a strong password for your digital devices, web accounts or network access. 

In this post, I would like to share some tips which may help you build strong passwords. Try to apply these tricks: 

  1. Password Should be Long Enough: A long password is always stronger than a short one. Use at least 10 characters (or more) in your password.
  2. Make it Complex: To be strong, the password should be complex. Combine letters, symbols, numbers or special characters (!, @, #, %, &) in your password. And it should not be easy to guess. 
  3. Use Space within Password: You can also use space in your password. Space is considered as a character. 
  4. Avoid Dictionary Word: Different password hacking tools may guess your password if it's a dictionary word of any language. So, if you avoid dictionary (or use with special characters or numbers) word then it's safer. 
  5. Use Different Password for Different Account: Maintaining separate password for each account is difficult. But in case of highly secured accounts, you must use unique password. 

And also keep in mind the following:

  • Password should be strong and complex but easy to remember for you.
  • Avoid repeated and adjacent numbers or characters i.e. abcdef, 123456, 222222, ssssss etc.
  • Passwords are usually case sensitive. So, use both upper case and lower case in your password. 
  • Avoid personal information like Birth Day, Driving License or Passport Number, Spouse's Name etc. 
  • And please, never use your mobile/ telephone number as password.
  • Avoid writing your password somewhere. Try to keep it in mind.

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Thus you can create variation from same word. And you can also put numbers or symbols with them. 

Test your Password Strength with Password Checker

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  1. We are staying in the computing environment with addicted from online service like e-class,e- library,e-banking and shopping and booking a ticket for different purpose etc.So we are habituated from many online services,to meet our protection issue or a safe user is very essential.As result we have prepare strong password by using a complexity with combination of symbol ,code,number etc.Which is more safe than normal written password.

    1. Thanks for your comment.
      Stay with Marks PC Solution to get more . . .

  2. Using space in between is nice tip abdur, I never thought about it, thanks for sharing :)
    Different password for different online account is essential but what if you have more number of online accounts, creating every password with completely different technique will make it difficult to remember all passwords, you can use one particular technique and using that you can create different, easy to remember yet effective passwords like using phrase method like ' I Love to use internet during my free hours' then you password becomes - 'ILtouidmfh' can anyone except you guess this? I don't think so. Or use 'joining two words' method or divide rule. I've discussed these methods in detail here.

    Please go to these link -

    You can also find here different tools to remember passwords for you and I'm sure you'll find it helpful.
    Thank you :)

    For technology tips-

    1. Thanks for the comment. Hope you enjoy our contents!

  3. Thanks for a good article.

    There was once a time when passwords were safe. Passwords with characters and numbers were enough. Websites used to tell "minimum 8 characters please". But now, the computers are getting powerful. Hackers now use Graphics card / GPU for generating and submitting random passwords (a.k.a. Brute Force). GPUs are way more powerful than CPUs. Today, an 8-character password is nothing. Even with special characters, whitespaces etc.

    Specialists suggest that passwords should be more than 13 characters in order to be secure and it would also have to include alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) plus, special characters (@*$^#({}";' ....) and no dictionary words or company names or any alternations of them.

    But even with these security measures, it is not safe anymore. It has been proved by the Heartbleed bug. Hundreds and Thousands of Banks and security organizations had this bug in their SSL implementation (OpenSSL). The bug was present from 2011 & NSA knew it but they never declared the presence of it. It is said that NSA used the bug to spy on people. Any hacker/NSA could have got all the information that anyone has shared with this compromised OpenSSL version. It even includes Gmail, Facebook, Yahoo and countless others. So, every information that is shared since 2011 has been compromised. The NSA or other hackers could have easily gotten the information. And it applies even if you used a 20 character long strong password.

    My point is that SSL seemed to be so secure. But even that was vulnerable. And now, it is even possible to retrieve information from a computer which is not connected to internet or any network. It is possible through communication through air. (Don't joke, it has already been proven. It is told to be working with built in microphones and speakers.) The malware responsible for this is called AirGap Malware.

    So, in summery, no matter how much you encrypt and put padlocks to it, any data converted to digital format is insecure. Whenever you scan a secret document into a jpg file, you will have to think that you have donated the document for the world to see. (But that does not mean we stop putting padlocks in our doors. ;-) )


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