For last few days, it's been a big question in the world of web. Is Facebook really thinking about a dislike button? Will Mark Zuckerberg allow it? Not only the facebookers, but the whole world of web is waiting for the answers! Let's explore . . .
You know, everything shared on Facebook can either be liked, shared or commented. But there is no option to express sad feelings. Not all stories could be liked. Let me recall you the following stories -
- The Heart-Breaking Death of 4-year Old Boy Jihad in Unsealed Deep Tube Well in Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Taliban Attack in Peshawar School, Pakistan (145 Killed)
- The Killing of 8 Children in Australia
- The Capsize of Oil Tanker in the Shella River in Sundarbans (350000 Liters Furnace Oil, Covering 350 Sq. KM Area)
- The Tragic Death of Australian Batsman Phillip Hughes
- Rana Plaza Tragedy in Savar, Bangladesh (Approx. 1129 Killed, 2515 Injured)
- The Missing of Flight 370 with 239 People
Wouldn't you hesitate to hit the like button when somebody shares any of the above news with you? Some people will find it totally illogical to give likes! But still many people will give like to the bad news just to share the posts with friends.
Okay I'm gonna stop talking about major occurrences. But what about these?
- Your friend just lost his Samsung S4!
- Your colleague had an accident last night!
- Your brother failed in the exam
- You've broken up with someone :(
What do you do in these situations? Or what you expect from others? Thousands of Likes??
Why People Give Likes to Sad Events?
Actually it's been a tradition. More likes mean more popularity. So when someone shares a sad but important event, people usually give likes. At the same time, they think -
If I could give a Dislike/ Unlike!
But you know, it's still impossible since Facebook has only the Like button.
What's Zuckerberg's Plan?
Zuckerberg's said -
What's Zuckerberg's Plan?
Zuckerberg's said -
Facebook thinking about "dislike," but maybe not through a dislike button. We need to figure out the right way to do it so it ends up being a force for good, not a force for bad.
Actually Zuckerberg is worried about the possible negative impacts of Dislike button. If Facebook adds the dislike button, there could be a disaster in the largest social network. Definitely people will start using the Dislike button heavily. And within a week, there is a possibility of Dislike war among facebookers!
Same thing happened to Facebook Friend. Facebook users can only be friends. Whatever the relation between two persons, they are always friend in Facebook. However, Facebook was able to avoid this issue. But Google Plus is very clever right from the beginning. In Google Plus, you can create different circles.
Now the people of the web are waiting to see how Zuckerberg handles the issue . . .
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