Whether you're using Facebook or Google Plus, you have an unique numeric identity number. If you're a Google Plus user, you must notice a number in your profile URL unless you haven't got a username from Google. But Facebook automatically gives you a username after opening account. And thus your numeric ID is hidden from Facebook Profile URL. But you may often need to use the numeric ID of your Facebook account.
If you are an apps developer, or using social plugins for your site, you may need to use your numeric ID. Today I'm gonna share an easy way to find out the numeric ID of your Facebook account.
In this way, you can find any person's profile ID number and Facebook page ID number. Follow the instruction below:
- Go to this URL - http://graph.facebook.com
- And type your username as - http://graph.facebook.com/username
- For example - http://graph.facebook.com/jolley.roberts
Now you will get the following details -
"id": "100004080544971", "first_name": "Jolley", "gender": "male", "last_name": "Roberts", "link": "https://www.facebook.com/jolley.roberts", "locale": "en_GB", "name": "Jolley Roberts", "username": "jolley.roberts"
As I mentioned earlier, you can also look up your page ID number. Suppose, the Facebook Fan Page of Marks PC Solution is -
You have to type http://graph.facebook.com/markstips to get this page ID. And this page will show you the following details:
"id": "550920454928744", "about": "Your Ultimate Choice for Computer, Internet, Blogging, SEO & PC Troubleshooting Tips!", "can_post": false, "category": "Computers/internet website", "checkins": 0, "has_added_app": false, "is_community_page": false, "is_published": true, "likes": 109, "link": "https://www.facebook.com/markstips", "name": "Marks PC Solution", "parking": { "lot": 0, "street": 0, "valet": 0 }, "talking_about_count": 1, "username": "markstips", "website": "http://www.markspcsolution.com", "were_here_count": 0
There are many other sites where you just need to submit your username and they will show you the details. But sometimes, if their server is down, you may not be able to use them. And there is also a little chance to get trapped by phishing sites! So, I think, using the graph is better.
I'm familiar with a site which you can trust - Find your Facebook ID. In this site, you have to input your username. Then hit on the button - Lookup Numeric ID. Finally, it will display your name along with the numeric ID.
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