Hey bloggers! Hope you're running your blogs fine. Today I'm gonna share a simple related posts widget with you. You know how important it is. A related posts widget can retain your visitors. It helps to increase visitors' engagement with the site. Have you noticed, when you visit a site to know something and get a related post just at the end of that post you also read the related post!
Let's consider my own case. Few days ago I visited My Blogger Tricks to know something. At the end of the post there were 05 related posts. I've also read one of those related posts. From that post, I discovered another posts which I like! After reading the 03 posts from that site, I've used the search option to find another post.
And this only happens due to the related posts widget. Instead of one pageview, My Blogger Tricks got at least five pageviews from me. And I spent almost an hour on that site! Can you imagine? One hour instead of five minutes. And this is exactly what Google wants.
Visitors' Engagement with the Site
And if you're able to satisfy Google, you will get -
- Improved Page Rank
- Improved Search Position
- More Pageviews
- Finally, more Ad Revenue
Maybe I'm talking too much about SEO. But this is not my today's topic. Let't back to the related posts widget. All you need to do is just - Add a simple JavaScript to your template. And you will get 05 related posts under each post as the image shows below:
Adding the Widget to Blogger:
- Sign in to your blogger account and go to the dashboard.
- Layout > Add a Gadget from the bottom > HTML/ JavaScript Gadget.
- Copy the following code and paste it in the Content box.
- Save the Widget and View your site.
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="http://blogger-related-posts.googlecode.com/files/related-posts-widget-1.0.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">relatedPostsWidget({'containerSelector':'div.post-body','loadingText':'loading...'});</script>
Note: This widget may slow down your site's loading time.
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