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HTML Tutorial 3: Most Common Tags Used in HTML Documents

HTML Example

I'm sorry for the delay to publish new posts but something was wrong with my PC. That's   why I was in trouble with this and not able to write something new. Well I'd like to continue the HTML tutorial. 

In this post I will discuss about some tags which are very common in preparing HTML documents. But before you go, don't forget to look at the following posts if you haven't already gone through:

Let's talk about the most common tags of HTML documents. You should also have a close look at our example document. Some of these tags are also used in that document. I think this will be helpful for you. 

Most Used Tags of HTML

  • Structural Tags: <html>, <head>, and <body> are the main structural tags of any HTML document. Each and every HTML document must contain these tags. Title   tag - <title> is also very important for an html document. Besides there are tags which are very common for all HTML documents. These are discussed below:

  • Anchors <a href> </a>: This tag is used to create anchor text. For example: <a href=>Marks PC Solution</a>. The browser will show only Marks PC Solution hiding the link of our site. When someone clicks on the text, he will be directed to Marks PC Solution home page 

  • Paragraph <p>: This tag is used to create a new para. It has no end tag! You just need to place a <p> tag when you want to create a new para. 

  • Line Break <br>: This tag is used to break the current line. It is similar to pressing Enter button in Word Processors like MS Word or Wordpad. This tag has no end tag too!  You can break a like just by typing <br> before that line. 

  • Bold <b> </b>:  This tag is used to bold the text. For example: <b>Bold</b>. The result will be Bold

  • Italic <i> </i>: This tag is used to italicize the text. For example: <i>Italic</i>. The result will be Italic

  • Underline <u> </u>: This tag is used to underline a text. For example: <u>Underline</u>. The result will be Underline

  • Heading Tags: Start Tags: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>.                                       End Tags: </h1>, </h2>, </h3>, </h4>, </h5>, </h6>. These tags are used to define the titles of the document. For example, <h1> is used for the document header title. <h1>Marks PC Solution</h1>. <h2> is used for the document section title. <h2>Your Ultimate Choice for Computer, Internet, Blogging, SEO & PC Troubleshooting Tips</h2>. Thus <h3>, <h4>, <h5> and <h6> decreases the font size of the title. 

Don't be confused by someone or by yourself! There are many other common tags for HTML documents. But these are just for giving you an idea. 

You should be careful while using the tags and their related attributes. Because any error in using the tags may result wrong output. Even a minor mistake may create serious problem. Because you may not be quick enough to find the errors! 

By the way, the rules and stadard of HTML varies from time to time. Sometimes your browser is able to show the document correctly even if there is any error in the source file! But it doesn't mean that you will not try to keep the document accurate. Whatever you do, do it with care. Best of luck. 

Stay with Marks PC Solution to get more interesting IT topics!


  1. I want to learn Visual basic 6.0.
    Can U start discuss about VBS 6.0?

    1. Sorry Mr.
      I have no knowledge and even any idea on Visual Basic :(

      But I will try to publish many other tutorials in the future. I'm willing to enrich my site for varieties people.


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